
I dont think any truly wealthy person making money like Gates, Buffett, Cuban, Zuckerberg wants to be president. I don’t blame them.
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It’s just complete bull when these guys say they should pay more taxes. Every single one of them spend enormous sums with Tax professionals to pay less.
Yeah I was reading an article the other day where is said Buffett won a 3 year battle with the IRS.
I do t think any truly wealthy person making money like Gates, Buffett, Cuban, Zuckerberg wants to be president. I don’t blame them.
Cuban has made remarks about his interest but I agree, the cost is not worth it for a guy that has everything.
You realize he can write an extra billion to the treasury any time he wishes.

Also why doesn’t he build apartments for homeless people all over the country. Have a kitchen staff at each facility to feed them and aides to help them get employed?

While were on it why don’t Soros and all the other millionaires and billionaires that love the Democrat party join with the project.

How bout they come up with their own food stamp program and help feed poor families all over the country?

They just fcking talk.
Exactly put your money where your mouth is. Too many people just thrust off the care of the poor to the government. That is what Scrooge did in A Christmas Carol. When asked to help the poor what was his response? Are there no more work houses? These are the type of places which existed because of tax money. But notice at the end of the story he helps people himself because he was truly generous. The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means.
How do they cheat? Why haven’t they been charged if they cheated?
This goes back to the 16 election. Hillary was claiming Trump took tax breaks and condemned him for them. Then his response was basically, "Yes, I take them and so do you and all your friends who give to your campaign. This is why they don't get voted out". She shut up. I remember back in 92 during that election it was pointed out how the Clinton's would donate their clothes even underwear and wrote that off their taxes. If it is legal then it is not cheating.
Exactly put your money where your mouth is. Too many people just thrust off the care of the poor to the government. That is what Scrooge did in A Christmas Carol. When asked to help the poor what was his response? Are there no more work houses? These are the type of places which existed because of tax money. But notice at the end of the story he helps people himself because he was truly generous. The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means.
lol ............................................................................................
Exactly put your money where your mouth is. Too many people just thrust off the care of the poor to the government. That is what Scrooge did in A Christmas Carol. When asked to help the poor what was his response? Are there no more work houses? These are the type of places which existed because of tax money. But notice at the end of the story he helps people himself because he was truly generous. The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means.
The stats you note mirror my anecdotal experience pastor. It also seems more dems seem to be faux Christians and Chreasters. Do dems think they’re fooling God?
The stats you note mirror my anecdotal experience pastor. It also seems more dems seem to be faux Christians and Chreasters. Do dems think they’re fooling God?
I can't know someone's heart. But I do believe this. Charity starts in the heart. Giving money to a cold government agency is far different than getting in there and helping in person. We used to take a meal once a month to a homeless shelter. I got to know some of these guys. They had rough stories.
I can't know someone's heart. But I do believe this. Charity starts in the heart. Giving money to a cold government agency is far different than getting in there and helping in person. We used to take a meal once a month to a homeless shelter. I got to know some of these guys. They had rough stories.
Thank you pastor. I agree
This goes back to the 16 election. Hillary was claiming Trump took tax breaks and condemned him for them. Then his response was basically, "Yes, I take them and so do you and all your friends who give to your campaign. This is why they don't get voted out". She shut up. I remember back in 92 during that election it was pointed out how the Clinton's would donate their clothes even underwear and wrote that off their taxes. If it is legal then it is not cheating.
Did you have a point?
@TheOriginalHappyGoat I feel like you abandoned a decent opportunity for a real debate.

I was thinking about this again today and I don't understand why the "lead by example" mantra isn't applicable here.

If you are a billionaire and can convince others to donate an extensive amount of your wealth upon passing (or maybe even before), why can't you do the same with regards to taxes? If your stated tax rate is 37% for any income over $731K (for married) and you are paying an effective rate, after spending hundreds of thousands (if not more) on reducing taxes, of 20%, then we should be able to agree on two things.

1) The tax code is ineffective, as currently written (I doubt many would quarrel with that)

2) Those paying significantly less are being incredibly creative to reduce massive amounts of AGI to pay such a low effective rate, relative to the stated rate.

So I stand by my stance that if one of these blowhards wanted to make a change, they would lead by example. It really isn't going to affect their net worth or financial situation. Lastly, why aren't we equally critical of their decision to donate large swaths of their net worth - likely tax free (or maybe not, I don't know for certain) to avoid paying significant death and estate taxes to the US Treasury?

What are you counting as part of effective tax rates? Are you including FICA? Or only income tax? For regular folk effective rates.

Capital gains taxes are obviously much lower than 37%... Are you advocating equalizing cap gains and regular income? There are no billionaires that got to be billionaires from regular income (or for that matter most 'lesser' rich).
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What are you counting as part of effective tax rates? Are you including FICA? Or only income tax? For regular folk effective rates.

Capital gains taxes are obviously much lower than 37%... Are you advocating equalizing cap gains and regular income? There are no billionaires that got to be billionaires from regular income (or for that matter most 'lesser' rich).

No, i was just using the highest rate for simplistic purposes. Good point on cap gains, which is why some of these billionaires pay a lower effective rate than many. I am not against changing capital gains.

I don't know the mix of some of these guys between various income streams - I'm more used to RSUs which get taxed at ordinary rates after they vest.
No, i was just using the highest rate for simplistic purposes. Good point on cap gains, which is why some of these billionaires pay a lower effective rate than many. I am not against changing capital gains.

I don't know the mix of some of these guys between various income streams - I'm more used to RSUs which get taxed at ordinary rates after they vest.

Sure. But RSUs are just regular comp in a different form. And execs are sometimes actually granted stock and pay the income tax immediately... Even though it's still restricted. Any appreciation from there is all cap gains.

Something that's not available in normal RSU plans, as you describe, where you aren't technically granted stock until vesting.
Sure. But RSUs are just regular comp in a different form. And execs are sometimes actually granted stock and pay the income tax immediately... Even though it's still restricted. Any appreciation from there is all cap gains.

Something that's not available in normal RSU plans, as you describe, where you aren't technically granted stock until vesting.

Aren't those really more options you are describing in contrast?

In most PE fund deals and IB comp, RSUs make up a considerable portion of one's earnings. You could argue they are regular comp, but they are really the carrot that keeps people motivated. Almost all of those have vesting periods these days, for obvious retention purposes.
Aren't those really more options you are describing in contrast?

In most PE fund deals and IB comp, RSUs make up a considerable portion of one's earnings. You could argue they are regular comp, but they are really the carrot that keeps people motivated. Almost all of those have vesting periods these days, for obvious retention purposes.

Usually RSAs rather then RSUs. they usually have similar restrictions on not being able to be sold/trades until they vest. Somewhat similar to options but a bit different mechanically.

All these forms of equity comp are different types of carrots, of course.
Exactly put your money where your mouth is. Too many people just thrust off the care of the poor to the government. That is what Scrooge did in A Christmas Carol. When asked to help the poor what was his response? Are there no more work houses? These are the type of places which existed because of tax money. But notice at the end of the story he helps people himself because he was truly generous. The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means.
"The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means."

Got a link to those statistics? My impression has always been that a lot of weathy Dems vote against their own interests and support policies they believe are better for the country as a whole...For example, why would abolishing the estate Tax benefit more wealthy Pubs than Dems. Yet I don't see wealthy Dems embracing that concept

Contrast that with Trump who always seems to make policy based on what will financially benefit him the most. I actually always thought it was pretty obvious that wealthy Dems had a more altruistic outlook. I mean Dems who are wealthy benefitted greatly from some of Trump's policies that ultimately benefitted the wealthiest. Yet I don't see any wealthy Dems supporting Trump and those policies...

Look at a guy like Soros. Wealthy beyond belief and yet I don't see him advocating for repeal of the Estate Tax. In fact I'm pretty sure Soros has specifically provided that his sons/heirs will not just inherit his fortune, but the $$ will go to charities/causes he believes in. I really don't understand why he's such a boogeyman to the Right that they feel the need to promote idiotic conspiracy theories such as he was a Nazi concentration camp guard or in other ways collaborated with the Nazis.

It's interesting that people like Orban and others try to promote this notion that Soros (who is Jewish) is anti-Semitic. Yet in reality many of the people promoting such nonsense are themselves anti-Semites...
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Since the thread topic is Cuban,and it's meandered off to discuss subjects that have nothing to do with him, I'll attempt to bring things back on topic.

Here is Cuban discussing Harris vs Trump with regrads to economic plans on both Cavuto (Fox) and then again just this morning on CNBC...

Andrew Ross Sorkin (Sqwak Box) had postive things to say about Harris ecnomic plan last night on MSNBC as well...

"The statistics say that Democrats are not as generous with their own money as Republicans are. Let's also call them liberal/progressive and Conservatives. One group looks to government whereas the other help out of their own means."
Got a link to those statistics? My impression has always been that a lot of weathy Dems vote against their own interests and support policies they believe are better for the country as a whole...For example, why would abolishing the estate Tax benefit more wealthy Pubs than Dems. Yet I don't see wealthy Dems embracing that concept

Contrast that with Trump who always seems to make policy based on what will financially benefit him the most. I actually always thought it was pretty obvious that wealthy Dems had a more altruistic outlook. I mean Dems who are wealthy benefitted greatly from some of Trump's policies that ultimately benefitted the wealthiest. Yet I don't see any wealthy Dems supporting Trump and those policies...

Look at a guy like Soros. Wealthy beyond belief and yet I don't see him advocating for repeal of the Estate Tax. In fact I'm pretty sure Soros has specifically provided that his sons/heirs will not just inherit his fortune, but the $$ will go to charities/causes he believes in. I really don't understand why he's such a boogeyman to the Right that they feel the need to promote idiotic conspiracy theories such as he was a Nazi concentration camp guard or in other ways collaborated with the Nazis.

It's interesting that people like Orban and others try to promote this notion that Soros (who is Jewish) is anti-Semitic. Yet in reality many of the people promoting such nonsense are themselves anti-Semites...
um bc soros funds candidates who are morons who make cities more dangerous? The consequences of his project have been disastrous and cost countless lives. A billionaire overreaching with great harm
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As a man married to a redhead for nearly 40 years, I can confirm. The problem is, even medicated they are still crazy...just slightly less so.
Mom's a redhead. I can say with 100% certainty that papa hooky agrees.

Some advice he gave as he put his foot in my ass to send me out the door into adulthood, "I love your mom, but stay away from redheads"

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