Cheesebrough in Paradise...

I'm really anxious to see who the "statement hire" for pitching

coach will be. Especially since one of the best high school junior ('15) pitchers in the country is in Indianapolis. And one of the best high school sophomore ('16) catchers in the country is in Terre Haute.
The 2016 catcher TJ

Collett has already verbally committed to Kentucky.
I'm thinking mainly about the young man from Cathedral--has he

given anyone a verbal yet?

Of course, both he and T.J. ('16) may end up being such high draft choices that any verbals they give don't matter, but I'd like to see CCL recruit both nonetheless.
Notre Dame, apparently; and it looks like not only U of L but

also Vandy, UVA, Florida State, Miami, Nebraska and Ohio State have verbals from 2015 Indiana kids.

This post was edited on 7/4 3:53 PM by welshman#
Dang. I'd like Lemonis to plug some of the holes in THAT talent

drain. No reason after recent successes not to do a better job sealing the borders. Or am I dreaming?
it speaks pretty highly of Indiana h.s. baseball that such nationally

prominent programs from other parts of the country (including the warm-weather south) are recruiting the state pretty hard.

If nothing else, maybe CCL can "flip" Russell (Cathedral) and Collett.

No excuse IMO for IU baseball losing a Terre Haute kid to UK. Basketball, maybe, but not baseball. UK's the only SEC school that's never even made the College World Series.

But both Russell and Collett may go straight from h.s. to the minor leagues, so who knows?

This post was edited on 7/4 8:39 PM by welshman#

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