Cancer sucks

Quick update. Wife is doing pretty well. Starting cycle 10 of chemo. Scan has no change. Go Hoosiers.
When you say "no change" my initial reaction is "from what"? Is the tumor receding, or remaining the same?

And what does "pretty well" mean?

I'm sorry to be "that guy", but I am more than a little concerned that after 9 rounds of treatments there may have been "no change" to the tumor.

In any case, all the best to her . . . and you . . . and your kids.
When you say "no change" my initial reaction is "from what"? Is the tumor receding, or remaining the same?

And what does "pretty well" mean?

I'm sorry to be "that guy", but I am more than a little concerned that after 9 rounds of treatments there may have been "no change" to the tumor.

In any case, all the best to her . . . and you . . . and your kids.
Basically means the flair(possible residual tumor) looks unchanged. No hyper enhancement of blood flow/vascular increase. Means it could be tumor and/or scar tissue. Oncology said eithe chemo will end in September or January. Then it’s watch and wait for growth. She’s doing pretty well.
Basically means the flair(possible residual tumor) looks unchanged. No hyper enhancement of blood flow/vascular increase. Means it could be tumor and/or scar tissue. Oncology said eithe chemo will end in September or January. Then it’s watch and wait for growth. She’s doing pretty well.
Thanks. I hated to ask and put you through all that . . . but curiosity/concern got the better of me.
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First and foremost, prayers to your wife. She's beat this nasty thing once, she'll do it again.

Second, prayers to you, Vic, and your family. You've been here before so you've got her when she needs you.

Third, prayers to the medical staff for steady hands and calm demeanor. The man upstairs will give them everything they need to get everything out of there, for good this time.

You got this Vic. Without having met you, I bet you way outshot your coverage with her. also check out this homes in winterville nc for sale 😄
I'm really sorry to hear about your wife's situation. My condolences and best wishes go out to you and your family during this difficult time. It's understandable that you're seeking support and positive thoughts from others.
Sometimes it's funny, or it spurs funny responses. Besides, showing kindness to our future robot overlords now may pay dividends after the rise of skynet.
Yeah, and I've made the mistake of replying to them because I thought it might be funny, but then it spurs phishing stuff. I guess cut and paste a response if we want to ridicule them... while we can?
Another (unfunny) story on the big C. Have a former boss that is battling cancer. I hadn't kept in touch with him and saw his wife's post on FB, but he had colon cancer and almost died from internal bleeding on the operating table... twice last June. Said a normal guy his size has about 15 pints of blood and they cancelled all other elective surgeries at the hospital that weekend and he got like 83 pints. Sounded like it was a success, but then last month they detected an uptick in cancer cells so he's now going through 6 weeks of 5 day a week radiation. He sounded good when I talked to him. Think he said he's 63. I'm 57... yikes!
Another (unfunny) story on the big C. Have a former boss that is battling cancer. I hadn't kept in touch with him and saw his wife's post on FB, but he had colon cancer and almost died from internal bleeding on the operating table... twice last June. Said a normal guy his size has about 15 pints of blood and they cancelled all other elective surgeries at the hospital that weekend and he got like 83 pints. Sounded like it was a success, but then last month they detected an uptick in cancer cells so he's now going through 6 weeks of 5 day a week radiation. He sounded good when I talked to him. Think he said he's 63. I'm 57... yikes!
I feel for him. Cancer makes me very angry.
Another (unfunny) story on the big C. Have a former boss that is battling cancer. I hadn't kept in touch with him and saw his wife's post on FB, but he had colon cancer and almost died from internal bleeding on the operating table... twice last June. Said a normal guy his size has about 15 pints of blood and they cancelled all other elective surgeries at the hospital that weekend and he got like 83 pints. Sounded like it was a success, but then last month they detected an uptick in cancer cells so he's now going through 6 weeks of 5 day a week radiation. He sounded good when I talked to him. Think he said he's 63. I'm 57... yikes!
Damn. I need to make an appointment at Versity blood bank to drop off some A pos next week.
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Another (unfunny) story on the big C. Have a former boss that is battling cancer. I hadn't kept in touch with him and saw his wife's post on FB, but he had colon cancer and almost died from internal bleeding on the operating table... twice last June. Said a normal guy his size has about 15 pints of blood and they cancelled all other elective surgeries at the hospital that weekend and he got like 83 pints. Sounded like it was a success, but then last month they detected an uptick in cancer cells so he's now going through 6 weeks of 5 day a week radiation. He sounded good when I talked to him. Think he said he's 63. I'm 57... yikes!
Yeah, my colon0scopy is in 5 days.
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Mines in September. First one. To many of my friends have had colon cancer. A guy I knew had appendix cancer. I guess it’s worse than colon cancer. He was 32-33 when he passed. If anyone is putting it off. Please don’t.
Yep first one about four months ago. small concern. f/u a month later and they removed about a two inch pre cancerous (biopsy negative thank god) polyp.

If I'd have gone another couple years without doing it (late 40's)......

No chickening out. Easiest thing I've ever had to go to a doctor for (outside of the fertility test).
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Yep first one about four months ago. small concern. f/u a month later and they removed about a two inch pre cancerous (biopsy negative thank god) polyp.

If I'd have gone another couple years without doing it (late 40's)......

No chickening out. Easiest thing I've ever had to go to a doctor for (outside of the fertility test).
Best time to catch it. Guy at work the same age as me had 6 polyps.
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Mines in September. First one. To many of my friends have had colon cancer. A guy I knew had appendix cancer. I guess it’s worse than colon cancer. He was 32-33 when he passed. If anyone is putting it off. Please don’t.
It's my first as well. I'm more concerned about being put under, which I've never done before.
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I've been getting colonoscopies every 5 years since I turned 40 - my father had colon cancer surgery in his mid 50's. I'm 57 now and dad is still with us - at least physically. I won't ever make the mistake of using the crap that you mix with water again - it tastes like hell and it didn't work very well for me - the fireworks didn't start until about 4 in the morning and my procedure was set for 8:30 a.m. The times I've taken the stuff you mix with Gatorade I had no issues with drinking the stuff or with it working properly. At least I can say for one day every five years I'm not full of shit. When you can shit through a screen door you know you're ready. This is one type of cancer that is easy to prevent if you get colonoscopies when your doctor says it's time. Don't put it off.
It's my first as well. I'm more concerned about being put under, which I've never done before.
The anesthesia is not difficult...
My first procedure was 1991...have had 8-9 ..

Polyps removed 2-3 times..

Prep can be unpleasant, but not overwhelming. Schedule early am, plan a nice lunch, followed by a nap...
You'll be fine..
It's my first as well. I'm more concerned about being put under, which I've never done before.

I tore my ACL and meniscus in my right knee and had to have it repaired back in 2017.

They gave me the blocker so I couldn't feel anything from the waste down which was good stuff. Then they take took me into surgery and the anesthesiologists tells me to count backwards which I did and I I went out... for about 10 minutes. I woke up, looked at the guy and said, well that didn't work very well. The look on his face was priceless.

I couldn't feel a thing though. They had a curtain up, so I couldn't see, but I could sure smell them something burning, like burnt chicken (they took a tendon from my hammy if I remember correctly). One of the nurses was having transmission problems with her car, so I talked with her the majority of the time about that. I was surprised that the doc basically rocked out the entire surgery, playing 90s rock.

Going in to it, being awake for the surgery was my biggest fear, but that blocker had me on cloud nine. In recovery, the blocker was so good, they forgot I couldn't feel below my waste so I started feeling a TON of pressure to the point that I thought something was seriously wrong. Finally it clicked with the nurse that I had been hooked up to a IV for HOURS and couldn't feel below my waste line so she checked my bladder, which was way more then full. I couldn't stand with just having knee surgery plus not being able to feel my legs... they brought me what amounted to a oversized cup. Problem was, I couldn't feel down there, so I just pushed and damn near shit myself.

I guess the point of my story is your fear is always built up way worse in your head then what it actually turns out to be. I actually had fun talking with the people in that surgical room, just shooting the shit, laughing it up.

You'll be okay.
I tore my ACL and meniscus in my right knee and had to have it repaired back in 2017.

They gave me the blocker so I couldn't feel anything from the waste down which was good stuff. Then they take took me into surgery and the anesthesiologists tells me to count backwards which I did and I I went out... for about 10 minutes. I woke up, looked at the guy and said, well that didn't work very well. The look on his face was priceless.

I couldn't feel a thing though. They had a curtain up, so I couldn't see, but I could sure smell them something burning, like burnt chicken (they took a tendon from my hammy if I remember correctly). One of the nurses was having transmission problems with her car, so I talked with her the majority of the time about that. I was surprised that the doc basically rocked out the entire surgery, playing 90s rock.

Going in to it, being awake for the surgery was my biggest fear, but that blocker had me on cloud nine. In recovery, the blocker was so good, they forgot I couldn't feel below my waste so I started feeling a TON of pressure to the point that I thought something was seriously wrong. Finally it clicked with the nurse that I had been hooked up to a IV for HOURS and couldn't feel below my waste line so she checked my bladder, which was way more then full. I couldn't stand with just having knee surgery plus not being able to feel my legs... they brought me what amounted to a oversized cup. Problem was, I couldn't feel down there, so I just pushed and damn near shit myself.

I guess the point of my story is your fear is always built up way worse in your head then what it actually turns out to be. I actually had fun talking with the people in that surgical room, just shooting the shit, laughing it up.

You'll be okay.
Yeah, I figure it won't be their first time. Heh. But for this they put you all the way under.

It's cool, I probably won't die.
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