Can we all agree

Pitt is 4-0 and Nardizzi is probably pretty safe. He had a bad season last year but 3 of the last 4 have been stellar for Narduzzi with one being an 11 win season.
And while WVU’s only 2-2 currently, they’re coming off a 9-4 season in 2023, so I’d assume that Neal Brown is safe, at least for now.

I guess the Arky job might open up, but Cig doesn’t strike me as an SEC sort of guy. More of a northeastern-midwestern kinda guy.
If the winning continues (which I think it will) and CCC is able to establish IU as a football power, he will assure himself of becoming legendary and probably HOF worthy... Think about it, turning around a football program with such a poor history like IU's will be recognized as monumental.... Sure, he could go to an established power and have success, like so many other coaches, but his legacy won't be viewed in the same light as it will be if he does an about-face with IU and keeps it that way for 5+-10 years.

I believe he realizes that too, and to him he'd love to be seen in the same way as his dad.... being named to the HOF... That's why I think he'd prefer to stay at IU.... Like he said, he wants this to be his last stop.
It’d be great to see CCC do what K-states Snyder did for K-state.
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And while WVU’s only 2-2 currently, they’re coming off a 9-4 season in 2023, so I’d assume that Neal Brown is safe, at least for now.

I guess the Arky job might open up, but Cig doesn’t strike me as an SEC sort of guy. More of a northeastern-midwestern kinda guy.
It’s nice that while WVU has more football culture than us and Cig has some ties, I doubt Cig would go down to a lesser conference and IU’s athletic dept is quite a bit larger than WVU — like 30-40% more revenue, and we can hopefully give him more resources here.

Agree Arky is whole other world to adjust to and a tough gig. Didn’t work well for Bret. Then there are the struggling big FB schools like Auburn, Florida, and FSU. And again that’s a big culture change and not sure if they would be interested, plus some of those jobs may be bad situations to jump into.

My only concern would be someone like a PSU coming knocking, can’t deny that is an amazing job. And to be a broken record, not too likely to be interested.

Tbh I’m not worried about this right now. But it is an interesting topic when brought up on the board or by a talking head.
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Let this sink in: We had 4 turnovers and STILL scored the most points out of anyone in the conference this week.

More than O$U
More than U$C
More than Oregon

We probably would have hung 50+ on MD if not for the turnovers.
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Cig’s current contract.
Seeing the details of this and the huge amount of incentive built in….tells me that this is a coach who bets on himself. I actually love the incentive “commission style” pay structure.
Those buyouts aren't anywhere near high enough that an SEC team, and several other schools, would even blink. 8 million if they poach him this year.
I don't think he'll go anywhere, my bet is the simplest answer is a big raise. Hopefully he can keep his staff. He credits them constantly. But I also feel good that he'd make good hires, no Walt Bell or Charlton Warren. (Not saying all the issues were those guys fault.)
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Those buyouts aren't anywhere near high enough that an SEC team, and several other schools, would even blink. 8 million if they poach him this year.
I don't think he'll go anywhere, my bet is the simplest answer is a big raise. Hopefully he can keep his staff. He credits them constantly. But I also feel good that he'd make good hires, no Walt Bell or Charlton Warren. (Not saying all the issues were those guys fault.)
It might be different if Cignetti was 48 years old. At 63, he's in it now for the long haul that remains. He's our bull in the pasture field who can still get it up, smiling cows awaiting.
They didn’t need to decide really. It was a no-brainer that for the sake of the department’s future with realignments, big deals completely centered around the sport of football. They knew it was a no-brainer. Not much of a decision. In one sense, their hand was forced to do the logical thing.
We always do the right thing, after we try everything else.
Those buyouts aren't anywhere near high enough that an SEC team, and several other schools, would even blink. 8 million if they poach him this year.
I don't think he'll go anywhere, my bet is the simplest answer is a big raise. Hopefully he can keep his staff. He credits them constantly. But I also feel good that he'd make good hires, no Walt Bell or Charlton Warren. (Not saying all the issues were those guys fault.)
$8 million is nothing. Just look at what A&M paid Jimbo to go away.
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Those buyouts aren't anywhere near high enough that an SEC team, and several other schools, would even blink. 8 million if they poach him this year.
I don't think he'll go anywhere, my bet is the simplest answer is a big raise. Hopefully he can keep his staff. He credits them constantly. But I also feel good that he'd make good hires, no Walt Bell or Charlton Warren. (Not saying all the issues were those guys fault.)
Warren was a complete waste. He started the downward trajectory of the IU D. The 1st shoe to drop bringing the end of Allen at IU. Bell was the 2nd, final shoe.

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