C-SPAN's survey of presidential historians ranks former US Presidents


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Sep 7, 2001
Link: C-SPAN's list

91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. Obama comes in at #12, Reagan #9, Clinton #15. George W is sandwiched in no man's land, between Martin Van Buren and Rutherford B. Hayes.

Personally, I would have put William Henry Harrison over Millard Fillmore, but that's just me. :p
Link: C-SPAN's list

91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. Obama comes in at #12, Reagan #9, Clinton #15. George W is sandwiched in no man's land, between Martin Van Buren and Rutherford B. Hayes.

Personally, I would have put William Henry Harrison over Millard Fillmore, but that's just me. :p

I am no Democrat and not a fan of either, but Obama being higher on that list than Clinton strikes me as absolutely absurd.
Link: C-SPAN's list

91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. Obama comes in at #12, Reagan #9, Clinton #15. George W is sandwiched in no man's land, between Martin Van Buren and Rutherford B. Hayes.

Personally, I would have put William Henry Harrison over Millard Fillmore, but that's just me. :p

That's pretty interesting. There is a lot of room for discussions.

I'm glad to see Ike finally getting recognition. I think he is the best POTUS in my lifetime. Fifth is good for him, I think fourth is better and is where he should be.

Ranking Obama 10th in public persuasion is crazy. He belongs in the top three. Speeches and persuasion is how he was elected. Ranking him 8th in economic management is crazy the other direction. Most of the economic progress that was made during his 8 years is due to fracking, cheap energy and cheap money. He had nothing to do with any of that.

Ranking FDR anywhere but dead last in moral authority and pursued equal justice for all is a joke. The man was a racist and there is absolutely no justification for his Japanese interment. First in foreign relations is also a head scratcher. Ike held the allies together, (except for Russia) not FDR. And Yalta!

No quarrel with 1 & 2. T.J. should be higher because of the Louisiana Purchase if nothing else. That is the most visionary act by any president. But I don't know what category that fits in.
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I am no Democrat and not a fan of either, but Obama being higher on that list than Clinton strikes me as absolutely absurd.

Then that doesn't make any sense. Clinton may have had a (D) next to his name, but he was the best republican president in modern history. I always wondered if that was the source of the republicans undying hatred for everything Clinton. If a republican even hears or reads the name "Clinton", all brain activity stops (assuming it was working), motility gets all effed up, heart goes into arrhythmia...
No quarrel with 1 & 2. T.J. should be higher because of the Louisiana Purchase if nothing else. That is the most visionary act by any president. But I don't know what category that fits in.
No way. Buying land isn't an enumerated power of the President.
I am no Democrat and not a fan of either, but Obama being higher on that list than Clinton strikes me as absolutely absurd.

I mean, it's utter insanity. Clinton was a great politician and leader that worked well with both sides of the aisle (sans that ugly Newt guy). They must have crushed him based on his inability to keep it in his pants and then his subsequent public lies on camera.
T.J. should be higher because of the Louisiana Purchase if nothing else

On a more serious note, how much of this was TJ's doing vs. Monroe/Livingston? TJ empowered them, but those two made what turned out to be a defining choice in American history.

Also, what else did TJ really do? I think he's one of the most overrated Presidents in history. He signed the Embargo Act, which was an utter failure in the eyes of the public, led to the War of 1812, etc. He also was anti-Federal Reserve.
Link: C-SPAN's list

91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. Obama comes in at #12, Reagan #9, Clinton #15. George W is sandwiched in no man's land, between Martin Van Buren and Rutherford B. Hayes.

Personally, I would have put William Henry Harrison over Millard Fillmore, but that's just me. :p
There almost seems to be a Boomer bias in that list, like the historians are likely Boomers and the presidents of their lifetime seem to dominate the Top 10. That being said, I think Ike was an excellent president but I can't fathom why LBJ is so high.

I would be more inclined to put the early (first 6 or so) presidents higher by default because they were steering a very tenuous ship and it all turned out ok.
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Any list that would place Obama this high and above Clinton, simply isn't credible. I also think Bush Jr. should be ranked higher than they've got him. I thought he showed excellent resolve and leadership after 9/11, even though I absolutely do not agree with going in on Iraq.
There almost seems to be a Boomer bias in that list, like the historians are likely Boomers and the presidents of their lifetime seem to dominate the Top 10. That being said, I think Ike was an excellent president but I can't fathom why LBJ is so high.

I would be more inclined to put the early (first 6 or so) presidents higher by default because they were steering a very tenuous ship and it all turned out ok.

Dammit Boomers, can you clowns do anything right?

I would agree with your assessment and its a great point.
That being said, I think Ike was an excellent president but I can't fathom why LBJ is so high.
His record on civil rights is getting more weight than it used to and/or his record on Viet Nam is getting less.