First lose close games. (Former state)
Then win close games. (Current state)
Then win many games. (Future state)
Anyone who has followed IU football (for decades) understands we are looking better than we have in a long time.
I know it's not pretty and it's easy to be critical but enjoy Hoosier fans and relax.
Things are looking up and if you don't think so you may not be old enough.
What say you Hoosier fans?
Go Hoosiers!
Then win close games. (Current state)
Then win many games. (Future state)
Anyone who has followed IU football (for decades) understands we are looking better than we have in a long time.
I know it's not pretty and it's easy to be critical but enjoy Hoosier fans and relax.
Things are looking up and if you don't think so you may not be old enough.
What say you Hoosier fans?
Go Hoosiers!