Brad Underwood to Illinois

Solid coach but not the blank check home run hire that they were talking about

Jury's still out if you ask me. The turn around he orchestrated at Oklahoma State this year was damn impressive and obviously he was more than impressive at SFA.

I think he could very well have Illinois contending for the B1G title almost every year. I would have been happy giving him a crack at our coaching vacancy.
I'm surprised he'd leave Ok. St. for Illinois. Money must of been a big factor. If coaches are going to move after 1 year then Bryce Drew certainly goes up on my list.
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I'm surprised he'd leave Ok. St. for Illinois. Money must of been a big factor. If coaches are going to move after 1 year then Bryce Drew certainly goes up on my list.

He was only making a million a year at OSU. U of I is going to easily double that. My guess is that Okie State didn't like their coach renegotiating his contract after one year and told him to kick rocks.

I think they're gonna regret not retaining him, assuming they would have been able to do so.
Just curious why you say that. He was only at Ok st a year. If he recruits Chicago well he could be a thorn in the side of the biG

He doesn't seem dirty so I'm not worried about that. Scott Drew is the coach who would've frightened me at Illinois. There's a guy who'd be more than willing to get his hands dirty to tap into that Chicago pipeline.
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Resume is impressive if not brief.

My main concern as an Illinois fan would be that he's had all his best seasons with other coaches recruits.

Now he's moved to a part of the country where he has zero recruiting relationships or experience. I think U of I would be wise to shell out and put a staff together that knows the area, and have the relationships necessary to start landing some of those Chicago recruits.

If he can't pick up the recruiting, I don't think he's going to generate the results Illinois fans are expecting. Ask Groce or Webber.
"Now he's moved to a part of the country where he has zero recruiting relationships or experience. " He was an 11-year assistant at WIU.
Resume is impressive if not brief.

My main concern as an Illinois fan would be that he's had all his best seasons with other coaches recruits.

Now he's moved to a part of the country where he has zero recruiting relationships or experience. I think U of I would be wise to shell out and put a staff together that knows the area, and have the relationships necessary to start landing some of those Chicago recruits.

If he can't pick up the recruiting, I don't think he's going to generate the results Illinois fans are expecting. Ask Groce or Webber.
Brad Underwood spent 11 years as an assistant at Western Illinois so he probably has recruiting connections. He worked under Frank Martin and Bob Huggins. He is an excellent defensive coach and they score a lot of points as well. Oklahoma State was much better under him in only one year. Very good hire.

That seems to be a common reaction among Illinois fans. But I'm not sure it should be. I've only seen Underwood's teams play a few times. But I've been impressed each time.

Thing is, since Henson, Illinois has struggled to keep successful coaches (namely Kruger and Self) in orange. It might concern me a bit that he was so quick to bolt OSU.

But I don't think they should be disappointed. He's a very good coach.
Illinois has ugly orange uniforms and their fans threw batteries at Eric Gordon's family during Bruce Weber's tenure there.
Illinois has ugly orange uniforms and their fans threw batteries at Eric Gordon's family during Bruce Weber's tenure there.


Anyway, to the previous poster who doesn't seem to be a simpleton, I wouldn't say the reaction I've seen is "yawn." Most folks are 1) shocked, as this came out of nowhere and 2) very excited, especially the more they hear about Underwood!
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