Attorneys on the board...What do you think of this?


Feb 15, 2024
I read this yesterday and my jaw hit the floor.

I’ve seen some diabolical things done by the left, but this entire campaign reeks of sewer rats. It's called the 65 Project. The organizations funding and supporting this are dripping with corruption. Linked below. It’s also Soros backed, go figure. The left is actually destroying peoples livelihoods over this. The left and some of the characters involved are sick individuals and organizations. Here’s what Dershowitz said.

“It was only 22 years ago when lawyers like me sought to block the election of President George W. Bush, believing as we did that Al Gore actually received more votes than Bush in Florida and was the rightful winner. We lost in court. But back then no one suggested going after the hundreds of lawyers who tried to prevent Bush’s certification. A dangerous weapon, like the 65 Project, unleashed by Democrats will surely be used by Republicans at some future time.”

This group is trying to cancel every firm and attorney who worked on the election.

This group is straight Antifa like and bold as can be

And of course The Lincoln Project scumbags
I read this yesterday and my jaw hit the floor.

I’ve seen some diabolical things done by the left, but this entire campaign reeks of sewer rats. It's called the 65 Project. The organizations funding and supporting this are dripping with corruption. Linked below. It’s also Soros backed, go figure. The left is actually destroying peoples livelihoods over this. The left and some of the characters involved are sick individuals and organizations. Here’s what Dershowitz said.

“It was only 22 years ago when lawyers like me sought to block the election of President George W. Bush, believing as we did that Al Gore actually received more votes than Bush in Florida and was the rightful winner. We lost in court. But back then no one suggested going after the hundreds of lawyers who tried to prevent Bush’s certification. A dangerous weapon, like the 65 Project, unleashed by Democrats will surely be used by Republicans at some future time.”

This group is trying to cancel every firm and attorney who worked on the election.

This group is straight Antifa like and bold as can be

And of course The Lincoln Project scumbags
I’m sure they’ll push it too far, but . . .

A lot of those lawyers deserve ethics complaints filed against them.
I read this yesterday and my jaw hit the floor.

I’ve seen some diabolical things done by the left, but this entire campaign reeks of sewer rats. It's called the 65 Project. The organizations funding and supporting this are dripping with corruption. Linked below. It’s also Soros backed, go figure. The left is actually destroying peoples livelihoods over this. The left and some of the characters involved are sick individuals and organizations. Here’s what Dershowitz said.

“It was only 22 years ago when lawyers like me sought to block the election of President George W. Bush, believing as we did that Al Gore actually received more votes than Bush in Florida and was the rightful winner. We lost in court. But back then no one suggested going after the hundreds of lawyers who tried to prevent Bush’s certification. A dangerous weapon, like the 65 Project, unleashed by Democrats will surely be used by Republicans at some future time.”

This group is trying to cancel every firm and attorney who worked on the election.

This group is straight Antifa like and bold as can be

And of course The Lincoln Project scumbags
I like your author's name - - "@amuse." Very fitting. This is hilarious.

It reads like it was written by an aspiring fiction writer, trying way too hard to inject mystery, intrigue and drama. "Smoke-filled rooms?" Is that even a thing anymore?

It also reads like it was written well over a year ago, before the indictments were returned and before the Colorado ballot case was even filed.

And Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell are somehow victims? Somebody better tell their lawyers. They've entered guilty pleas.

Too funny. Thanks for the laugh!
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I like your author's name - - "@amuse." Very fitting. This is hilarious.

It reads like it was written by an aspiring fiction writer, trying way too hard to inject mystery, intrigue and drama. "Smoke-filled rooms?" Is that even a thing anymore?

It also reads like it was written well over a year ago, before the indictments were returned and before the Colorado ballot case was even filed.

And Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell are somehow victims? Somebody better tell their lawyers. They've entered guilty pleas.

Too funny. Thanks for the laugh!
Yea, just 41 references backing everything he said. You just showed yourself. I get it it was all legit right? Then this little bomb drops yesterday.

What are they going to do when their bogeyman Soros dies? Lol
rejoice. there's nothing boogeyman/mystical about soros. he needs to die. lots of blood on soros' hands. very easy to identify the insane prosecutors whose campaigns were supported by soros. look for crime spikes and awful consequences. Then of course businesses don’t expand. Businesses don’t come. Tax rev. Schools. That man is truly a monster to cities
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He can’t die, though, until he’s deprived of those baby blood transfusions.
i don't know what that means. i do know the very worst candidate available to exacerbate everythign wrong with a city is where soros will put his money
I think you underestimate just how much Soros is hated by the right to think that his death will change anything about how much "influence" they believe he will still have.
If anything, I suspect the number of conspiracy theories will actually increase after he has died.

If you doubt this, go to Google and type the words "Chavez" and "Voting Machines".
i don't know what that means. i do know the very worst candidate available to exacerbate everythign wrong with a city is where soros will put his money
Soros is hundreds of years old and survives via transfusions of baby blood from kidnapped or aborted Christian babies. Google it.
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This isn't the first time Wingate made this claim under the pains and penalties of perjury.
You know what is a shame? Not one msm channel said one thing about this yesterday and it should be on every channel. The msm is another weaponized arm of the dem party. When was the other time he was under oath that you are referring too?
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What are they going to do when their bogeyman Soros dies? Lol

Think that matters? Chavez died in 2013 and was somehow part of the reason Trump lost in 2020 lol

MAGA fans don't check obituaries. Fake news.
You know what is a shame? Not one msm channel said one thing about this yesterday and it should be on every channel. The msm is another weaponized arm of the dem party. When was the other time he was under oath that you are referring too?

Maybe msm doesn't carry your fake news.... no that can't be it.
Soros is hundreds of years old and survives via transfusions of baby blood from kidnapped or aborted Christian babies. Google it.
He was also a member of the Waffen SS and a prison guard at one of the Concentration camps, if you believe the internets. Of course the timeline is an issue and he would have been 15 yrs old at the end of the war. And 12 yr old Jewish kids were not really in high demand for the Waffen SS. But why let facts spoil a good conspiracy theory?...
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Read the news instead of your idiot Twitter feed.
Wingate has made this claim the he was told this since the election. This is recycled news not new news. The Trumpster Twitter Twits and Trumpster “news” sites are leaving that out. They’re also leaving out that post election audits, including in Fulton County, have not found any significant issues or voter fraud, including with absentee ballots. They found 0 issues with absentee ballots in the first sample audit of 10,000 ballots. They found very few statewide. Even if they had failed to thoroughly check the signatures on 147,000 ballots (very unlikely) the Audit in Fulton County found very few issues with the envelopes or ballots. The idea of disallowing 147,000 votes of legitimate voters and disenfranchising them is a ludicrous response. This wouldn't be their error.

Bottom line is that Trump legitimately lost the election. Trump was told this by numerous Republican voting experts. He’s even admitted he knows he lost to many, but he’s keeping his easily duped core riled up by lying about this constantly. Only people incapable of thinking for themselves believe his lie at this point.
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