An uninspiring hire has produced uninspired results - OPINION

Sentence one: That's on you.

Sentence two: Every team in the f*cking country has bought a team. What do you want him to do find a roster that will play for free?
For #1. You may well be correct. It is indeed how I interpret his comments.
For #2. Again likely correct. In football Debo Sweeney has been slower/resistant to NiL. Over the same time period (a short 2-3 years or so) his team has fallen in national rankings.
Just because CMW doesn't do things, the way you would does not mean it's wrong. If you do not like him it’s always Purdue.
So every disagreement you have is divorce? Change jobs? I suspect it is possible, but I certainly do not have the right to speak for you, that you mean there could be other alternatives. Follow other IU sports for example.
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Take it from someone who's seen DePaul's fall from the 70s and 80s. Once you start sliding you better fight to the death for the results you once had and expected.

I've been one to point out that during Knight's tenure it wasn't just a straight line across in terms of 25-win seasons, which were much more impressive back then. It was mostly on a three- and four-year cycle to elite.

Now? We are 259-249 in the conference in the last 30 years. We've had single digit losses in a season only four times during that span.

People who are reasonably old, like 40 years old, have never seen what people only 10 years older, like me (OK, 11) saw and people 15-20 years older saw consistently. Now, it seems the majority of people are saying the tournament is good enough. As in, "Woody got us to the tournament two years in a row." He was 21-14 and 23-12 in those years.

That is awful. Yet, that's good to too many people.

The standard is the standard - until it's not. This is what the IU admin simply has not understood during their 30-year walk in the wilderness.

It's almost gone. The last 10 years? 192-135. 93-96 in the conference. It's such that a lot of people think that now we need patience in getting back to... what exactly?

No, we need urgency. Urgency to get back to standards and levels that, unfortunately, an ever-shrinking pool of supporters remember, aspire to and demand.

I don't think people really understand how far away we are and how long it's been. It's not a matter of, "We better fix this before we lose it". It's, "It's gone - and we need to get it back."

Woodson's not the answer. X isn't the missing piece. It's a little bit better version of Mike Davis. It's a little bit better version than Archie. We all know it. Not just because of the record but because of the basketball we see. The horrible IQ and lack of fundamentals consistently not corrected. Horrible scheme and philosophy. Idiot subbing patterns until the media calls get too loud. Idiot decision making in the auto-benchings, again, until the media calls get too loud. The roster totally devoid of any meaningful guards, point and shooting. Bad basketball. Bad roster. Meet the new guy. Same as the old guy.

It's bad. We know it's bad. Fix it. Now. Why wait? Wait for what? 19-13? 15-16? Is there a difference? Bad basketball. Bad roster. Meet the new guy. Same as the old guy.
Ya, that was an opinion.
Are you kidding me? Lawrence, Durham, and Chapel Hill are even more liberal than Bloomington. Politics has nothing to do with the state of the men’s basketball program.

Oh, and Biden won Tippecanoe County.
And none of those programs, politics aside, self-reported "irregularities" like IU did. Demonstrating transparency and integrity when nobody asked for it was a sucker move. None of the programs mentioned would find that necessary or prudent.

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