A Treasure Trove...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2003
The FBI now holds:
-Weiners laptop
-All Wikileaks information
-Hunters laptop
-Awan Brothers hard drives
-Epstein files, videos
-Diddy files, videos
-Maxwell files, videos
-and more...

Has to be the largest collection of blackmail material ever assembled...
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When the Hildebeast made her famous remark about being hung...

Really dude? She's tall. So are her daughters. We going after htem next?


American ****ing dream right there.

This ain't a dude



Dammit, now I gotta go do something. I'll be right back.
I never bought this trans talk either. For one thing how do we explain the daughters being here? Were they secretly adopted when the Obamas were just starting out? It makes no sense. I think it is mean spirited to call a real woman a man. I think this way with all the trans situations. You don't cut off your junk and call yourself a woman. It is demeaning to real women. You don't take a piece of your elbow and fashion it phallic ally and then call yourself a man. It is wrong.
I never bought this trans talk either. For one thing how do we explain the daughters being here? Were they secretly adopted when the Obamas were just starting out? It makes no sense. I think it is mean spirited to call a real woman a man. I think this way with all the trans situations. You don't cut off your junk and call yourself a woman. It is demeaning to real women. You don't take a piece of your elbow and fashion it phallic ally and then call yourself a man. It is wrong.
Everytime I see an elbow I think penis now. Thanks
Really dude? She's tall. So are her daughters. We going after htem next?


American ****ing dream right there.

This ain't a dude



Dammit, now I gotta go do something. I'll be right back.
Then she picked me up and sat me on her knee, I love el oh el eh Lola.

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