A former player for Dinardo at IU was on Yahoo Sports Radio yesterday and


Gold Member
Jul 13, 2004
was asked if he & his fellow teammates had ever locked their head coach out of a room after a loss "when you played in the B1G or the pros" (in reference to something LA Kings players apparently did) and he said "yes", which caused the host to laugh hysterically and say "Really? We've got to talk about this when we get back from break..."

After commercials, the player - whose name I didn't get, but is evidently the "producer" for the radio show - said that when he played for Dinardo at IU that Dinardo used to often make them practice "four hours straight" which consisted of two hours practice in full pads, and if they missed too many tackles or whatever, he would "start practice all over", and that they would afterward then have to study with their tutors "till midnight or 1 AM" and then start the process over the next day.

The host thought that was too funny and would taunt him by saying, "well, I'm sure coach Dinardo was just trying to make you better players & better men", etc., which the storyteller denied. When asked if he disliked or hated Dinardo, the former player said "no, I liked him, he came to my home and recruited me, but his practices were over the top..."

He said that one time they decided that if Dinardo started practice over that day that they would all walk away, and that he did, and so they did.

He talked about how BenJarvus Green- Ellis used to have to practice twice a day in pads and then have "to carry the ball 40 times in the game". He said these double-practices would sometimes happen the day before a game, and when the host asked for a specific example, the player mentioned that they did it on a Thursday before travelling to Penn State the next day for a game on Sat., and the host said:

"Well, see, your body had a day to rest while you traveled" and laughed & the guy said "no, it was brutal", etc.

The player then added that somebody once "told the university" & somebody "from compliance" would then come to watch practice and began to limit the time Dinardo had them out there....

"And then they fired Dinardo after my junior year...!" he said at one point, sounding a bit surprised...

That was about all I heard - and it was funny to listen to - but never caught the name of either the former IU player or the host, tho I'm sure it can be googled for those curious...

This post was edited on 4/14 7:23 PM by codylance
As a former player during the entire Dinardo tenure I can say that is BS. He did restart practice 1 time during his time there. It was during 2 a days before the season started. It definitely sucked. There was talk about what we would do if he did it again, but he never did.
But ain't it great to see how real .........

stories are passed along.......LOL
quick question

How do you decide which story is the real story? Are you going with the anonymous internet poster or the radio producer who has not only put his name to his story, and would likely get in trouble for lying on the air?
Re: Quick answer,,,,,,,"Likely get in trouble" LOL

so, I emailed a former Cam/Dinardo player, he said he couldn't ever remember Dinardo starting another practice over nor players ever boycotting a practice. He said the practices were more physical with's that?
How is this

So now we have one former player saying something publicly that could potentially get him in trouble, and your friend who you claim emailed you but must be remain anonymous

I personally don't care if its true or not, but the guy on the radio is at least willing to put his name to his story...which is more than I can say for you and your buddy...I don't know who is telling the truth but if I had to choose I would choose the guy who is willing to stand out in the open
Re: How is this

My name is Derek Frye played 2002-2003 got hurt was a student coach in 2004 & 2005.

I have no idea who Cougar emailed. The same day that Dinardo restarted practice was the same day that Coach Cullen and Coach Adazio got in a fight if I remember correctly.

This post was edited on 4/16 5:46 PM by AVoiceof Reason
Re: How is this

Like I said I couldn't care less about the practice, what's exfessive to today's college kids was the norm for HS kids decades ago. And we're probably better off for that .., I'm glad dinar do is gone but I couldn't care less if some players thought his practices were to tough.

My point was, I thought it was obvious, cougar had a choice to believe someone openly telling a story or some guy on the Internet....he immediately chose the guy on the Internet. And that was before he researched it with his friend. Blindly believing anonymous people on the Internet is something I have warned my kids not to do....surprising that someone as old as cougar would be so easily convinced. Like I said I don't care if the story was false or not I never claimed to know otherwise. But if I have to choose between someone who is willing to openly speak about something or a guy hiding behind s screenname I will choose the former
Re: How is this

The phrase is, couldn't care less. if I could care less that would mean I did in fact care...since when is asking a question on a forum, trolling?
Youi believed a poster on here,

and what he says he heard on the radio with no names given................I believe a poster who said he's a former who's truth is you know Kris Dielman? He can tell you about Dinardo's practices.........
The radio name was given its chris taylor

I haven't believed anyone, I have only said which I would choose if I had to pick someone. My original reply to you was simply asking why you would choose to believe the anonymous internet poster over Chris Taylor. Seemed like odd logic and that was why I asked

...........but according to chris taylor and Derek frye at least part of the story is true. Dinardo did restart a practice, maybe Dielman wasn't there for that practice?
LOL, I probably didn't ask him the right part of the question.......

under the impression you were asking if a whole practice was "restarted, after it was done", not because the warms up or first drills weren't sharp, so restarted.......did you ever play football, I mean at least high school, you never had a practice "restarted"?? My bad.
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Re: LOL, I probably didn't ask him the right part of the question.......

Are you doing this on purpose? I'm going to type real slow for you and then this will be the end of it

I don't care about the practice, don't care if it was too hard, don't care if it was restarted...Dinardo is gone so none of that matters

I was simply asking why someone would choose to believe an anonymous poster on the Internet over a former seemed odd and still does