50 Year IU FAN - 1st Post

Mar 13, 2017
Open letter to Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

Please display some managerial leadership by dismissing and replacing Tom Crean immediately. The IU season has been over for 3 days and there has been more than enough time to prepare for this move knowing this day was coming. I worry on your behalf that not acting promptly would begin to call into question your competence as the IU AD by many Hoosier faithful.

IU is an elite basketball program that requires an elite coach with an elite salary. I assume you are ready to announce this elite coach today, tomorrow at the latest. Again, there has been more than enough time these past couple months to hire an elite coach knowing the regular season would end now – please do not include the NIT as part of an IU season. Furthermore, each day delayed is a day our new coach could be on the job working and recruiting.

Please show the college basketball world that IU is once again taking basketball as serious as Kentucky, Louisville, Duke, Kansas, NC and UCLA - note that 4 of these 6 pay their coaches in the $5 – $7 million range therefore it is no accident these schools have elite coaches. In 5 of the 6 the AD’s focused on an elite coach and paid the elite $ to get them just like OSU, Michigan and Alabama did in football. If IU wants to be an elite program I suggest IU pay the elite $ to get a proven coach. The idea that IU can find the next up and coming Bob Knight or Coach K at a young age is unrealistic and a risk that does not need to be taken.

The basketball product we have been subjected to the last 9 years under Tom Crean is far from elite and can be described as mediocre at best. Simply, its not meeting the minimum required expectations.

Thanks for your service to IU and I await your timely public announcement of the new coach.
Well said! I appreciate your post and I'm of the opinion the majority of the IU fan base feels the same as yourself.

There is a certain poster trying to derail every thread at the moment so consider it a badge of honor when he starts babbling about IU not being good enough for anyone other that Crean.
well said....congrats on your 50 years as a Hoosier Fan, very impressive.
Open letter to Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

Please display some managerial leadership by dismissing and replacing Tom Crean immediately. The IU season has been over for 3 days and there has been more than enough time to prepare for this move knowing this day was coming. I worry on your behalf that not acting promptly would begin to call into question your competence as the IU AD by many Hoosier faithful.

IU is an elite basketball program that requires an elite coach with an elite salary. I assume you are ready to announce this elite coach today, tomorrow at the latest. Again, there has been more than enough time these past couple months to hire an elite coach knowing the regular season would end now – please do not include the NIT as part of an IU season. Furthermore, each day delayed is a day our new coach could be on the job working and recruiting.

Please show the college basketball world that IU is once again taking basketball as serious as Kentucky, Louisville, Duke, Kansas, NC and UCLA - note that 4 of these 6 pay their coaches in the $5 – $7 million range therefore it is no accident these schools have elite coaches. In 5 of the 6 the AD’s focused on an elite coach and paid the elite $ to get them just like OSU, Michigan and Alabama did in football. If IU wants to be an elite program I suggest IU pay the elite $ to get a proven coach. The idea that IU can find the next up and coming Bob Knight or Coach K at a young age is unrealistic and a risk that does not need to be taken.

The basketball product we have been subjected to the last 9 years under Tom Crean is far from elite and can be described as mediocre at best. Simply, its not meeting the minimum required expectations.

Thanks for your service to IU and I await your timely public announcement of the new coach.
I hope you e-mailed this to him because I doubt that he reads this board. I really liked this letter but one correction is that we can't hire an elite coach right now since they are still working at their current job.
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I'm ok with waiting til they lose in the NIT to fire him. All of the prospective coaches are busy right now and won't be interviewing until they are done. We can let them know of our interest as soon as that happens, if we haven't already.
I hope you e-mailed this to him because I doubt that he reads this board. I really liked this letter but one correction is that we can't hire an elite coach right now since they are still working at their current job.

Reads the board? There are paid members of the AD office who peruse this board as part of their full time jobs.
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It is a real head-scratcher....I see the manner in which programs like UNC and KY handled the removal of their head coach...hell, even Louisville was decisive in getting rid of Denny Crum. Swift, decisive and firm....that is what sets other programs apart from the floundering and fumbling that seems to pervade IU. Maybe thats just optics....but this should have already happened....Did UNC care what happened to Matt Doherty? Tubby Smith at KY? When its time to end a business relationship...end it. IU cannot be both employer and placement agency.
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It is a real head-scratcher....I see the manner in which programs like UNC and KY handled the removal of their head coach...hell, even Louisville was decisive in getting rid of Denny Crum. Swift, decisive and firm....that is what sets other programs apart from the floundering and fumbling that seems to pervade IU. Maybe thats just optics....but this should have already happened....Did UNC care what happened to Matt Doherty? Tubby Smith at KY? When its time to end a business relationship...end it. IU cannot be both employer and placement agency.
Never more truly stated!!! Applause at my end of the computer.
Mr. Glass you are driving me crazy. I understand you have a meeting tomorrow with Tom Crean. Please fire him at the meeting so I can put the gun down.

Open letter to Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

Please display some managerial leadership by dismissing and replacing Tom Crean immediately. The IU season has been over for 3 days and there has been more than enough time to prepare for this move knowing this day was coming. I worry on your behalf that not acting promptly would begin to call into question your competence as the IU AD by many Hoosier faithful.

IU is an elite basketball program that requires an elite coach with an elite salary. I assume you are ready to announce this elite coach today, tomorrow at the latest. Again, there has been more than enough time these past couple months to hire an elite coach knowing the regular season would end now – please do not include the NIT as part of an IU season. Furthermore, each day delayed is a day our new coach could be on the job working and recruiting.

Please show the college basketball world that IU is once again taking basketball as serious as Kentucky, Louisville, Duke, Kansas, NC and UCLA - note that 4 of these 6 pay their coaches in the $5 – $7 million range therefore it is no accident these schools have elite coaches. In 5 of the 6 the AD’s focused on an elite coach and paid the elite $ to get them just like OSU, Michigan and Alabama did in football. If IU wants to be an elite program I suggest IU pay the elite $ to get a proven coach. The idea that IU can find the next up and coming Bob Knight or Coach K at a young age is unrealistic and a risk that does not need to be taken.

The basketball product we have been subjected to the last 9 years under Tom Crean is far from elite and can be described as mediocre at best. Simply, its not meeting the minimum required expectations.

Thanks for your service to IU and I await your timely public announcement of the new coach.
Reminds me of the school marm in Blazing Saddles penning the letter to the governor about the new sheriff.
Open letter to Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

Please display some managerial leadership by dismissing and replacing Tom Crean immediately. The IU season has been over for 3 days and there has been more than enough time to prepare for this move knowing this day was coming. I worry on your behalf that not acting promptly would begin to call into question your competence as the IU AD by many Hoosier faithful.

IU is an elite basketball program that requires an elite coach with an elite salary. I assume you are ready to announce this elite coach today, tomorrow at the latest. Again, there has been more than enough time these past couple months to hire an elite coach knowing the regular season would end now – please do not include the NIT as part of an IU season. Furthermore, each day delayed is a day our new coach could be on the job working and recruiting.

Please show the college basketball world that IU is once again taking basketball as serious as Kentucky, Louisville, Duke, Kansas, NC and UCLA - note that 4 of these 6 pay their coaches in the $5 – $7 million range therefore it is no accident these schools have elite coaches. In 5 of the 6 the AD’s focused on an elite coach and paid the elite $ to get them just like OSU, Michigan and Alabama did in football. If IU wants to be an elite program I suggest IU pay the elite $ to get a proven coach. The idea that IU can find the next up and coming Bob Knight or Coach K at a young age is unrealistic and a risk that does not need to be taken.

The basketball product we have been subjected to the last 9 years under Tom Crean is far from elite and can be described as mediocre at best. Simply, its not meeting the minimum required expectations.

Thanks for your service to IU and I await your timely public announcement of the new coach.
I dont wanna sound like a downer. But it reads too opposed to rational.
However, something is probably* better then nothing
Source was Rabjohns on 1070 stating Crean and Glass meet every Thursday during the season. Dakich said today he had similar arrangement with Greenspan. Take it all for what it is worth.

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