4-5 2 hr last night Kyle


Mar 6, 2004
This kid is on fire. I absolutely can not wait to buy a schwarber cubs jersey. I'm pretty confident I will be doing it sometimes next year. Can't even imagine Castro. Rizzo. Bryant. Baez. Schwarber. Alcantara. All hitting in a row it's gonna be so sick. Although you r talking to the same guy who said the cubs were set for a long time with wood and prior.
That's where Epstein & Hoyer are very smart

Position players (especially those who have played in college), are much more likely to make it to the big leagues and have long careers. Power pitchers are much more likely to get hurt like Prior & Wood did... much more of a risk.

Meanwhile they're stockpiling a lot of pitching from all the trades they're making... they may not get a true ace but they can buy a couple of those with all the money they have when the time comes (or be able to trade for one with their prospects). They will have the bullpen & 3-5 starters covered with cost controlled players.

Going to be a fun time to be a Cubs fan in another year or two.
As a life-long Reds fan, I'm pretty sure I've heard some iteration of this annually from all Cubs fans. Good luck with it. :)
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