4-0 Clemson


Apr 30, 2016
going into the bottom of the 4th. They have 8 hits(1 HR) and IU has no hits. Not the start we wanted to see Aaarrgghh!
Go Hoosiers!
In the first, Clemson seemed to find the holes in the infield and that along with a single that fell in front of the centerfielder really hurt. Modugno gave up a homer in the 2nd. No offense to speak of so far.
This isn’t good. Bouncing pitches all over the place. Poor fielding fundamentals. If he’s number one, not sure I wanna see the rest.
This isn’t good. Bouncing pitches all over the place. Poor fielding fundamentals. If he’s number one, not sure I wanna see the rest.
You got that right. We couldn't have played worse baseball in the 4th and we gave up two unearned runs.
In that inning if I got everything that went down before they pulled Modugno, we did the following:

1 hit batter
2 wild pitches
1 passed ball
1 fielding error
2 walks
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We still have four innings to go, but I wonder if we have ever been the victim of a no-hitter in the season opener.
Anglin has been pulled so hopefully we have better luck with the bullpen.
Well, Clemson has changed pitchers in the top of the 6th. Hope we can get something going.
Well there went the no hitter. Got a couple of hits in the 6th. We have got to get a better strategy against the Ace pitcher opponents. I think you need to go up there in the 1st and have everyone bunting against these fireballers. Make them beat you with fielding plays. The swing from the heels hasn't worked to well. Get some early action going on. The good pitchers may still beat you but you might surprise them and put the pressure on and get them out of the game early. I hate watching us play straight up waiting for their Ace to run out of gas then hope we can mount a late inning rally. At least I feel we have some speed on this team, need to learn "Whitey" ball like the 80's Cardinals and try to utilize it. Would love to see us develop a knuckleball pitcher. That would really mess the opposition up. LOL. Bob Ueker said the best way to catch a knuckle ball was to wait until it stopped rolling, then go pick the ball up. VBG. Can't be much worse than the Wild Pitches we got going in this game. Hopefully we will get this bad game out of our system and get at least one game in this series.
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Well there went the no hitter. Got a couple of hits in the 6th. We have got to get a better strategy against the Ace pitcher opponents. I think you need to go up there in the 1st and have everyone bunting against these fireballers. Make them beat you with fielding plays. The swing from the heels hasn't worked to well. Get some early action going on. The good pitchers may still beat you but you might surprise them and put the pressure on and get them out of the game early. I hate watching us play straight up waiting for their Ace to run out of gas then hope we can mount a late inning rally. At least I feel we have some speed on this team, need to learn "Whitey" ball like the 80's Cardinals and try to utilize it. Would love to see us develop a knuckleball pitcher. That would really mess the opposition up. LOL. Bob Ueker said the best way to catch a knuckle ball was to wait until it stopped rolling, then go pick the ball up. VBG. Can't be much worse than the Wild Pitches we got going in this game. Hopefully we will get this bad game out of our system and get at least one game in this series.
Yeah, Even though there was four innings left, I was starting to get a little concerned about opening the season getting no-hitted, but fortunately that didn't happen. It's bad enough to lose your season opener and not be competitive about it without that happening.
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I hope this isn't a sign of things to come with our batteries when you consider the wild pitches, passed balls, walks etc. If this is going to be the norm then we are in for a loooong season.
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Need to find a capable catcher for sure. Kraft, Sharp and Ellis have shown some promise. Not much else to write home about today.
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IU batters struck out 12 times and only one out of our 3 hits made it out of the infield. Lost count on the Passed Balls and Wild Pitches. We looked like a bunch of Kindergarteners playing the Varsity today. Flush this one and move on.
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IU batters struck out 12 times and only one out of our 3 hits made it out of the infield. Lost count on the Passed Balls and Wild Pitches. We looked like a bunch of Kindergarteners playing the Varsity today. Flush this one and move on.
I’m sorry, I missed the first couple innings. Watched a couple mid-game. Decided I’ve wasted too much time on the football and basketball programs this year and started drinking good bourbon. Now reading these comments I realize I’d made a good decision. Why do I get the feeling I’ve seen this team before? All new names, numbers, and faces. Same result. Hope it changes in a major way tomorrow or Sunday. It’ll suck to get swept and not be competitive.
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