If we are going to control our pre-conference Schedule Year to Year, We should be able to work out an arrangement where We can schedule Louisville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati Home and Home on a rotating basis. It makes sense geographically and fan interest wise. In the past, We have worked through a pre- conference schedule that was too easy and only allowed Us to "put lipstick on the pig" and ignore our problems rather than deal with Them early in the Year. Even after We beat Akron in Overtime last Year, I got the impression that the Coaching Staff was relieved to have the win, but didn't work to address the underlying problems. I would rather have a higher bar to measure against early in the year and risk a loss, than crush or slide by mediocre opponents that don't expose our problems.
There is also a recency factor in evaluating losses for Playoff Teams. A loss in September to a decent Team may not be as harmful as a late year loss to good team.