Stop the Clown Show!!!

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001
Obama on Gruber: What Gruber? Who's Gruber? Oh that gruber. "The White House chef makes a helluva grilled gruber sandwich."

White House Advisor Al Sharpton. "The rich need to pay their fair share!" Sharpton owes more just in taxes than a typical black dude, his kids, his grandkids, his parents, and his grandparents will ever make in their combined lifetimes.

Obama to the Jewish victims and their families who were maimed and hacked to death by Palestinians with meat axes: "you need to work together with the Palestinians to stop the blood shed."

Obama to the black citizens of Ferguson: "I've instructed my justice department to investigate the hell out of those white cops."

Obama on the 2014 election: "I hear those who didn't vote."

Is it racist to think of Obama as the black knight?

LOL one correction

One of those murdered in the synagogue yesterday was a Druze Israeli police officer--not Jewish. In other words, he was Muslim (well, sort of, depending on whom you ask).
I don't know how the R's advertising budget plays out, but they could've saved some $ on the thousands of phone calls and postcards I receive every election period... and used that money to run commercials showing video clips of "this is what he said then" and "this is what he says now" evidence.

When Hellary runs in 2016, there should just be a side-by-side loop of her talking about dodging her imaginary "sniper fire" in Bosnia... while showing the actual peaceful airport ceremony.
You should lead that effort

By ceasing to be so clownish.

There are plenty of posters who can't do any better than clown show posts. But at least potentially, you could. Yet so often you don't.

Do you feel disrespected? You should. And if you had a capacity for shame it would trouble you.

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