Oil...the second Cold War

It's strange isn't it...

...that we live in an economy where I get a really good deal at the Marathon, and on the other side of the planet, people starve as a result.

Sometimes I wonder if we'd all be better off it we just went back to everyone being a farmer.


This post was edited on 12/17 1:59 AM by TheOriginalHappyGoat
Here is the chart that tells the story


This post was edited on 12/17 2:46 PM by mjvcaj
Isn't it strange that

the stock market goes down when oil goes down and then will probably go down when it goes back up.
We aren't winning anything.

We have seen this song and dance before. OPEC is in charge and they will always be in charge. They have lowered prices to make the work in ND and the pipeline, cost prohibitive. Then when we throw in towel on those projects because nobody can afford to develop them, they will raise the price again.

Regardless of what the liberals try and tell you, Bush and Cheney really don't control this.
I have wondered

about their motive. I think you are right in what you say but I've also wondered if there's some deal between the US and OPEC to punish Russia put pressure on them for the way they've been acting.
I was just looking (edited to add link)

a lot of the oil companies are up this morning....COP has a good dividend ... buy it.

See link. :)
This post was edited on 12/17 9:37 AM by NPT

Hit it
OPEC is not responsible for the lower prices

In fact, OPEC is nearly irrelevant at this point. OPEC has not lowered their prices--the market has lowered the price of oil. And a lot of the production in the U.S. is very much sustainable at the current price of oil, with room to go.

This post was edited on 12/17 11:47 AM by Noodle
Winner winner, chicken dinner

Looks like Vladimir Putin has a serious problem on his hands. How's that Crimean thing working out for you, Pooty-Poot?
A lot of Developers/Filed Owners/Leases will go belly up...

Exxon and others will gobble them all up. Exxon is sitting on a ton of cash, at it's 52 week low, and I just bought a lot of stock in it.
US O&G production will not stop...

it's going and going and going. US can absorb the cost barrier better than everyone. Smaller developers will go bellyup but Exxon/Chevron and others will buy them up. Exxon was one of the lowest land owners in the shale lands.
Let me re-phrase

OPEC controls the SUPPLY, more so than the price. But if they want to effect the price, they can cut production.

They are relevant and they are aware of the shale production.
Production is sustainable, but not exploration

There are certainly plenty of developers that are under pressure.
No they aren't. Everyone

knows Bush and Cheney are responsible for oil prices (Note: Except when they go down).

This post was edited on 12/17 3:57 PM by NPT

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