If NKorea has the capability to wreak havoc


Sep 18, 2001
on Sony and possibly a nuclear plant or our grid system I don't understand with our technology and geniuses why we can't just take the attackers down in a nano second. Is someone saying NKorea is smarter than we are?
A good leader meaning the Prez IMO would be more concerned about calling an urgent meeting with our national brain trust rather than worrying about Cuba at this instant moment. Hopefully he can do both!

is a worm that infects and destroys computerized machine controllers; including several Iranian centrifuges. Rumor has it Uncle Sam did it. I think we are deeply involved in offensive and defensive cyber war and we correctly don't talk about it. The NSA has the fastest computers in the world. The NSA is virtually everywhere. The NSA has gone beyond SIGINT.
Hacker named Sabu has a diiferent take on NSA

Hector Monsegur, AKA Sabu, was caught by the FBI and began working undercover for the U.S. government. Sabu was interviewed by CBS reporter Charlie Rose and declared there is no such thing as national security when it comes to cyber hacking.

During the interview Sabu in part had this to say,

Now, Monsegur warns that hackers will only continue to become more inventive, and the government will never catch them all. He told CBS that America's online infrastructure is weak and stated point blank that hackers could easily break into airports, phones, and even the water system with a few keystrokes. He warned against the U.S government's reliance on the National Security Agency (NSA), adding that even the security experts are not safe. "Who will guard the guards, Charlie?" he asked Rose during the interview.

Sabu was a self taught hacker and operated independently in the beginning. He, like any billiant and motivated hacker living anywhere in the world, could end up offering his talent tor North Korea, Iran, or just about any country, terrorist group, or business organization willing to pay him if the FBI hadn't caught him first.

I would like to believe Sabu is wrong, but his take sure does make me wonder.
All our national security agencies...

...have cyber security as their top priority in my opinion. Furthermore this will remain the case no matter who sits in the Oval Office.
Hackers cover their tracks

They cover their tracks by basically bouncing their connection through a bunch of other computers around the world. Some of them are intentionally open and some may be machines they've already hacked and taken over. Each step of the way law enforcement will have to contact the computer owners and/or their Internet service provider to find the next part of the trail.

You're not going to catch someone in the act of actually hacking the machine and know where they are unless they're incredibly stupid.

In the case of the Sony hackers I doubt they were doing this from their house. They might have moved around between Internet cafes in China.

I'm pretty confident our military and the NSA are completely capable of knocking the Internet out in countries and frying a bunch of computers, but generally they'll want to be more covert than that when they retaliate.

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